Duke is a command-line-based task manager.
Add a task either of type Todo, Deadline or Event.
1 tasks to go
* __Deadline__
* format: deadline (task_name) /by (due date/time)
* due date/time must be written in the format (d/MM/yyyy) (HHmm).
* Example:
* Usage: deadline return_book /by 31/9/2019 2359
* Expected Outcome:
I’ve added this task:
[D][-]return_book 30/9/2019 2359
2 tasks to go
* __Event__
* format: event (task_name) /at (event date) (start time - end time)
* event date/time must be written in the format (d/MM/yyyy) (HHmm-HHmm)
* Example:
* Usage: event CS2103_lecture /at 20/09/2019 1200-1400
* Expected Outcome:
I’ve added this task:
[E][-] CS2103_lecture 20/09/2019 1200-1400
3 tasks to go
### 2. Mark a task as done
Mark an existing task as complete.
Incomplete tasks have a "-" status symbol left of their task name, while completed tasks have a "+" status symbol.
* format: done (index)
* index indicates the position of the task on the list to mark as done.
* Example
* done 1
* Expected Outcome:
Nice! I’ve marked this task as done:
### 3. Delete a task
Delete an existing task from the task list.
* format: delete (index)
* index indicates the position of the task on the list to mark as done.
* Example:
* delete 1
* Expected Outcome:
I’ve removed:
2 tasks left
### 5. Find tasks using keywords
Find a task or certain tasks using given keyword(s). Lists all tasks which contains that keyword in its description.
* format: find (keyword)
* Example: find book
* Expected Outcome:
Here are the matching task(s) in your list:
1.[D][-]return_book 30/9/2019 2359
### 6. Display the task list
Display the full list of tasks.
* format: list
* Example: list
* Expected Outcome:
Nice and Light. Here are the task(s) in your list:
1.[D][-]return_book 30/9/2019 2359
2.[E][-] CS2103_lecture 20/09/2019 1200-1400
### 7. Set task as recurssive.
Set a task to recur once completed. (Todo type tasks)
Set a task to recur once every specified time period (Event and Deadline type Tasks)
Note that only an imcomplete task can be set to be recurring.
* format: recur (index) (unit time) (quantity)
* Example: recur 2 2 days
* Expected Outcome:
No rest for the wicked. Setting this event to recurssive: [E][-] CS2103_lecture (at: 20/09/2019 1200-1400) every: 2 day(s)
### 8. Set recurssive task as non-recurssive.
Set a task to ocue only once at the specified time.
Note that only an incomplete recurring task can be set to non-recurring.
* format: revert (index)
* Example: revert 2
* Expected Outcome:
Setting this event to non-recurring: [E][-] CS2103_lecture 20/09/2019 1200-1400
### 9. exit
Application closes after displaying farewell message.
* format: bye
* Example: bye
* Expected Outcome:
See you around… ```